Family Resources
Born Learning
Every child is born learning and there are everyday opportunities to encourage your child to learn.
You can turn everyday household chores and activities into fun learning games for your child, no matter how young she or he is. Even the youngest children can learn while helping with chores such as:
Watching clothes tumble in the dryer, identifying shirt colors, matching socks
Play with measuring cups, counting eggs, setting the table, helping open about favorite foods
Read letters on packages and talk about pictures you see
You can turn everyday household chores and activities into fun learning games for your child, no matter how young she or he is.
See who can spot it first: a truck, a bridge, colors, letters.
Talk about the activities of the week during drive time.
Play alphabet games - “My favorite food starts with A– apple, B– banana”
Errands can equal education. Your everyday outing or errand can be a chance to connect with your child and encourage early learning.
Talk about the objects you see
Identify street signs, crosswalks, and traffic lights
Make up stories or songs about things you see